Hartford Chamber of Commerce

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The Ital Juicery Company Joins the Hartford Chamber

Describe your business in one to two sentences:

A pioneer and trailblazer in changing the Food Desert Landscape, The Ital Juicery Company cultivates a Digital Food Oasis by making healthy food options that are convenient and affordable.

Why did you join the Hartford Chamber of Commerce – what’s the value?

The biggest draws were networking opportunities, resources, advice and mentorship, and advocacy. I’m excited to learn about new opportunities as well.

Why Hartford? How did you decide on the location for your business?

Hartford has a lot of features. It is an historic city, full of diversity, various attractions, plus it has many potential possibilities.

Tell us about the neighborhood and what makes it unique.

The diversity of people, food, and cultures.

What is the best thing about living/working in Hartford?

The diversity of food, people, and different cultures. In Hartford, you get a "Buffet Style," so you get a little bit of everything on your plate.

Learn more about the Ital Juicery Company by visiting their website or following them on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and TikTok.