Hartford Chamber of Commerce

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Connecticut Clarity Joins the Hartford Chamber

Describe your business.

Our company is an "Estate Ally" Sevice. It's our job to help the chief member(s) of the deceased with things as simple as subscription cancellation, to as complex as your entire estate.

Why did you join the Hartford Chamber of Commerce – what’s the value?

Connecticut Clarity is a local, and only local company. We strive to serve the Greater Hartford area with intent, and integrity. The Hartford Chamber is filled with Like-minded individuals that not only want to share the same goals, but want to continuously connect and interact with our community to further accomplish goals together. Pele always said "No individual can win a game by himself". With the Chamber by our side, we have the best chance to serve our community to the best of our ability.

Why Hartford? How did you decide on the location for your business?

From working in the center of Hartford, on Pratt St. - To working around City Hall, our team was not only familiar with the Hartford area, but fell in love with what the city has to offer. The community is diverse, historic, and is going in an incredibly upward direction. Connecticut Clarity strives to help every individual from all walks of life, and being a minority owned business in the Hartford area made all of the sense to us. We only look to seek a sense of content and ease in our clients minds. With us being based in the Hartford region can only help us serve them better, right at their doorstep.

Tell us about the neighborhood and what makes it unique.

We work all throughout the city of Hartford. Every corner you look around, the historic city is consistently getting upgraded, or a new business is opening its doors. The robust cultural community is so strong between all businesses, there seems to be no competition. Everyone is a friendly neighbor, ready to have your back. And really great food!

What is the best thing about living/working in Hartford?

It feels like a tight-knit neighborhood. At Connecticut Clarity we always say it's not about getting the biggest slice of pie, it's about making the pie bigger, so everyone can get a better piece. Living in Hartford makes us only want to further the process, and give back to our neighbors and community.

Learn more about Connecticut Clarity by visiting their website and following them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.