Hartford Chamber of Commerce

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Conklin Office Furniture Joins the Hartford Chamber

How would you describe your business?
Conklin Office Furniture is a new and pre-owned, reconditioned, and remanufactured furniture company. Our options are a great choice for your business and the environment. Conklin Office Furniture offers sustainable furniture solutions for every environmental goal, design need, and budget. We supply high-quality used office furniture that looks, performs, and lasts just like new, but costs far less. You can expect to save up to 80% off the list price when you purchase our pre-owned and refurbished contract lines.

Why did you join the Hartford Chamber of Commerce?
"What Goes Around Comes Around" is Conklin's motto. Facility managers, business owners, and decision-makers have the unique opportunity to lead in the movement toward Conklin's growth. Our client list is as long as it is diverse, as we further our reach into the Connecticut marketplace and possibly expand in the Greater Hartford area we are focused on integrating product and practices that leave a positive impact on the environment.

Why Hartford? How did you decide on the location for your business?
Conklin is a leader in sustainable furniture solutions. We are constantly considering ways to make our operations and our products more sustainable and accessible. We have been open and operating since 1981 just over the boarder in Holyoke, MA. We have offices in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania and wanted to close the gap with Connecticut. We believe that Hartford is that bridge, with its diversity and a home to some of the largest corporations in the state, we would be honored to be part of this historical community.

Tell us about the neighborhood and what makes it unique.
Hartford is the home of dozens of restaurants, bars, breweries, clubs, theaters, museums, and other attractions to keep any small or large business and their employees entertained. What makes it so unique is the positioning of the community to attract new clientele from all over the state and U.S.

What is the best thing about living and working in Hartford?
Hartford has a lot to offer any new or current business as the central hub to small and large corporations that provide a wide range of housing options and housing values in the community. Hartford is a great place to live, work, and play.

Learn more about Conklin Office Furniture:website | facebook | instagram | twitter | linkedin